Jonathan Hunt

―― ――
08 Mar 2023


Below are a list of links which I recommend checking out (mostly videos). If you're wondering why none of the links go to YouTube, I have a page explaining why.

Business and finance






  • Video: Eating Less Meat Won't Save The Planet. Here's Why: Self explanatory, debunks many of the ecological arguments against meat consumption.
  • Modern Milkman: Delivers environmentally-friendly products (far more than just milk) in sustainable packaging (either bio-degradable or in glass containers you can give them to re-use when you're finished with them)
  • B Corps directory: Find businesses that meet a higher standard in various areas (environmental, transparency, social, etc). I'd still suggest doing your own research too but it's a good reference to start with.
  • Sust-It: Allows you to easily see the energy efficiency and running costs of appliances and technology products


Spirituality and religion



Free software

The internet and web development



Television and film

  • CyTube: Watch and host live video streams with others. Includes live chat, custom emotes, css and more.
  • Moving Image Archive: Watch and download movies and tv shows for free.
  • Whatch: Watch classic movies for free. You can also subscribe to their odysee channel for updates.

Please contact me if you have suggestions or criticisms for the resources above. Don't message to criticise the people involved though, as I believe in 'seperating the art from the artist'.

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