Jonathan Hunt

―― ――
31 Jan 2021

My RSS feed (for Elfeed)

Below is a list of RSS feeds I'm currently following. I use the Elfeed reader for Emacs, with the Elfeed-org extension to enable it to read RSS feeds from this orgmode file.

Being in an orgmode format makes it simpler to edit, and means that the org-static-blog extension can convert it to this webpage you're viewing now. If you have any recommendation for video channels, blogs or news sites I should consider adding here, please let me know.

Blogs   blog elfeed

News   news articles elfeed

Videos   videos elfeed

Lbry/Odysee   lbry odysee

Comics and cartoons   co comics cartoons toons

History   history his ancestry heritage

Music   music mu

Self-improvement   improvement advice motivation

YouTube   youtube

Note: this is just for testing purposes, as some elfeed functionality works for YouTube but not other video websites:

Technology   tech technology g

Tags: Tech Emacs